Social Housing

Investing with a social cause

Social Housing Investing

CFI property is committed to becoming one of the leading private providers of support services and short-term accommodation in the public sector.

Our social housing purpose and vision is to alleviate homelessness for those that fall under the care and protection of the public sector.

We structure our investments to provide commercially viable and profitable property investments that are affordable to organisations in the housing sector. Clients include registered charities, housing associations, community interest companies and other regulated organisations that receive housing benefits or comparable funding from local or central government.

We are committed to this sector not only because we are committed to the moral imperative to alleviate homelessness in the united kingdom, but because we know that a profitable business can be made from producing low-cost accommodation via:

  1. Increasing demand for accommodation for social needs

The demand for social housing in the UK is ever on the rise, the increasing homeless population and increasing asylum seekers, along with the lack of appropriate cost-effective accommodation is the main driver.

  1. Strong Legislative support for affordable housing

The government has placed statutory duties on local housing authorities to house the unintentionally homeless and vulnerable. In addition to this central government, has its own macro agenda and powers concerning social housing.

  1. Lack of appropriate cost-effective accommodation

Local authorities in providing accommodation for homeless people are often paying unsustainable costs placing them in unsuitable bed & breakfasts and guesthouses which are significantly more expensive than private accommodation and even more so than social housing.


Expert Partners Agree

“Buy land – they aren’t making anymore of it.”
Mark Twain - American writer, humorist, entrepreneur, publisher, and lecturer

“Land monopoly is not only monopoly, but it is by far the greatest of monopolies; it is a perpetual monopoly, and it is the mother of all other forms of monopoly.”

Winston Churchill • Ex Prime Minister Of United Kingdom